Student blog: Arcada x Quuppa internship collaboration

Published: 09.12.2022 / Blog

Arcada's business student Albert Rajala is one of the first students doing his internship within Arcada's new programme for international students. Read his blog post about the internship at Quuppa.

"Hi! I'm Albert Rajala. I am Finnish and Indonesian but grew up in the Middle East. I am currently studying International Business and majoring in Logistics at Arcada UAS.

I have been doing my internship at Quuppa, which is a company that has created and developed a RTLS (real-time location system) technology platform. Quuppa is headquartered in Keilaniemi, Espoo, but has a worldwide presence with offices in Australia, Dubai, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and the USA. I initially applied for this internship because I was interested in the potential of location tracking technology in the logistics industry. However, after becoming immersed in the world of RTLS, I have learned just how versatile it can be across a variety of industries including manufacturing, healthcare, sports, and retail. In addition, I also applied to Quuppa because it seemed like a great opportunity to work at an international and people-oriented company where I could develop as a professional and learn new skills. Admittedly, whilst researching the company I saw that they had been listed as one of Finland's Best Workplaces in 2021, which certainly did not harm my already growing interest in the internship position.

This internship is a part of the new internship model that Arcada is providing international IB students to fulfill 30 credits for Practical Training 1 & 2 over a 20-week period. This gives non-Finnish speakers an opportunity to work at a credible Finnish company and complete the internship requirements of the degree programme. During the last 2 weeks of the internship the next Arcada intern will be trained by the previous intern.

I have had many memorable experiences during my time at Quuppa so far. The company outing day where we went trail biking followed by sauna and dinner in Nuuksio was a definite highlight. Renting a boat and going to Iso Vasikkasaari on one of the last clear days of Autumn was also a great way to get to know my colleagues outside of work. Perhaps the most salient of my positive experiences at Quuppa was, however, from my first days at the office. Everyone was incredibly friendly and welcoming, which immediately dispelled any worries or concerns that I had about the internship.

Company outing day to Nuuksio National Park

While working at Quuppa I have learnt about the RTLS and IoT (Internet of things) markets, and how a smaller technology company can maneuver itself and leverage its strengths to be competitive in these emerging markets. I have also learnt how to present the technology platform to customers, and developed my pitching skills to clearly communicate location tracking technology’s relevance and value proposition in accordance with customer needs. Moreover, I have become further familiarized with the process of planning and coordinating projects, and creating great customer experiences throughout the inbound marketing process.

Boat trip to Iso Vasikkasaari

This internship can benefit me in my future career as it has provided me with a broader understanding of how different parts of a company interact with each other as well as with customers when planning, delivering, and following up on projects. It has also helped me understand how to work cohesively in a team, and improve my communication and interpersonal skills over the course of working with both customers and internal team members. Furthermore, working at Quuppa has taught me how to navigate the presales and sales process in conjunction with the buyer's journey, and steer the course to mutually beneficial desired outcomes. Lastly, my time at Quuppa has shed light on the inner workings of a technology company, and the different obstacles and requirements that it faces to both operate and compete in the market. These are all valuable learnings that I will carry with me when moving forward onto new challenges."

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