Arcada 25 years

The future rarely turns out the way we plan. Often, it turns out even better.

The world is changeable, uncertain and complex. Science and technology are not alone the answer to the largescale societal challenges that lie ahead. New findings need to be translated into efficient long-term solutions – for that we need humans as a driving force. Smart innovations that are tested and flexibly adjusted to sustain rapid change. For a quarter of century, Arcada has developed competencies essential to society and educated experts for the future. We create concrete knowledge in an abstract world.

Celebrating a quarter of century

We are celebrating Arcada's 25th anniversary by launching a fundraising campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to raise funds to support the acquisition of digital solutions that create innovative, inclusive and inspiring learning and research environments.

Social relevance

We educate experts for the future in areas essential to society - healthcare and welfare, business, energy and materials technology as well as culture and media. Through our programmes and socially relevant research, we ensure that high-quality services and experts are available also in Swedish in Finland - both now and in the future.

Purpose of campaign

In order for us to continue to be able to offer high-quality education and conduct socially relevant research in the future, competitive and attractive learning and research environments are needed to support our societal mission.

Why support Arcada?

By donating you support our long-term and ambitious work for a sustainable future and you support diversity in society. We want to develop with our time and be one step ahead.

  • Arcada is a leading university of applied sciences in the country. We offer high quality higher education and our socially relevant research operations have significant impact.
  • Our alumni are sought after on the job market, as they have the skill to combine theory and practice and they have built valuable networks already during their studies.
  • Our manageable size allows as to swiftly adapt to changes in society and working life.
  • We carry the national responsibility for educating Swedish speaking experts in fields like occupational therapy as well as film and media. Our programmes cover fields such as business, engineering, healthcare, welfare, culture and media.

In this campaign we invite foundations, firms and you as an individual to contribute to a better future. The new learning and research environments at Arcada will enable smart and sustainable solutions for the future.

The target groups of the campaign are:

  1. Foundations
  2. Companies
  3. Private persons
We support Arcada

Aktiastiftelsen i Esbo-Grankulla sr
Alexander Bargum
Alexander Ehrnrooth
Algol Oy
Anders Ehrström
Anna Paulig
Annika Stadius
Anu Nyberg
Astrid Thors
Birger Mickwitz
Birgitta Langenskiöld
Carina Kiukas
Carl-Johan Rosenbröijer
Ceti Hasselman
Dag Wallgren
DIFF - Ingenjörerna i Finland rf
Elin Blomqvist-Valtonen
Eva Biaudet
Frank Korsström
Fredrik Gräsbeck
Föreningen Konstsamfundet r.f.
Hanna Donner
Hans Ahlström
Héléne och Walter Grönqvists Stiftelse sr
Helsingestiftelsen sr
Henrika Franck
Ida Julin
Ira Jeglinsky
Jan-Erik Krusberg
Jens Grandell
Jerker Hartwall
Joanna Danielsson
Johan Jansson
Johanna Modig-Gräsbeck
Johanna Stenback
Jonas Sjögård
Jonas Tana
Julius Stjernvalls donationsfond
Jörgen Wiik
Kaj Åkerberg
Kasper Hildén
Kim Roos
Liubov Havula
Maj-Len Törnqvist
Marcus Rantala
Maria von Bonsdorff-Hermunen
Maria Jurvelius
Maria Nygård
Maria Ollonqvist
Markus Lemström
Martin Morander
Martin Salonen
Mats Wägar
Mia Ingman
Mia-Maja Wägar
Mikael Karmano
Mikael Wacklin
Mirko Ahonen
Mona Forsskåhl
Nathalie Edman-Koskell
Otto A. Malms donationsfond sr
Peter Sjöholm
Petri Nousiainen
Raisamiina Hagström
Robert Henriksson
Sabina Eerola
Sandra Ahtola
Sebastian Nyström
Stella Löfström
Stiftelsen Tre Smeder sr
Susanna Grönblom
Svenska Folkskolans vänner r.f.
Thomas Granelund
Tom Böhling
Tom Lindström
Tomas Träskman
Viktor Häggblom
Walter Ahlströms stiftelse
William Thurings stiftelse sr

Our donation purposes

Support circular production and process development

In order to achieve a carbon-neutral society and preserve biodiversity, the world must take a new direction. Arcada needs to create a learning and research environment where our future engineers learn to develop and use digital solutions - a prerequisite for Finland's success in the transition to a climate-smart society.

Support new solutions within health care technology

Health technology is part of the social and health care of the future, and a prerequisite for society to be able to maintain the health care system. In Arcada Health Tech Hub, we create a unique Swedish-language knowledge centre in the capital region with a focus on digital solutions for rehabilitation.

Support digital healthcare simulation

To ensure that high-quality care is offered in Swedish in Finland also in the future, a modern simulation centre that meets the demands of working life and society is needed. As a pioneer in simulation pedagogy, Arcada is ready to take on the challenge.

Support for Human, robotics and AI

New technology is rapidly changing the society and affecting several of the daily goods and services we use today. Arcada wants to create a center where we can develop, test and present digital business and service solutions and make them safe, accessible and understandable for everyone.

Support Smart and Innovative Learning Environments

Arcada creates two new innovative and inspiring learning environments that support active learning, participation and entrepreneurial thinking. The new spaces provide students the best possible tools to develop their skills for their future working life through encouraging curiosity, creativity and collaboration.

Tax deduction

Private persons have the option to deduct a monetary donation of at least €850 and no more than €500,000 from their net earned income. More information on the donation deduction in personal taxation can be found on the Tax Administration's website (In Finnish) (External link)

Associations have the option to deduct monetary donations of at least €850 and no more than €250,000. More information on the donation deduction in corporate taxation can be found on the Tax Administration's website. (In Finnish) (External link)

Fundraising license

Fundraising license for the whole of the country, except Åland, for the period 1.1.2023–. License number RA/2022/1502, granted 20.02.2020 (Police Board).

License holder: Yrkeshögskolan Arcada Ab.
Fundraising organiser: Yrkeshögskolan Arcada Ab.

The purpose of the fundraising

The purpose of the fundraising is to support Yrkeshögskolan Arcada Ab in managing its mission pursuant to paragraph 4 of the Finnish Polytechnics Act (932/2014). The fundraising is intended to support the acquisition of digital solutions that create innovative, inclusive and inspiring learning and research environments at Arcada University of Applied Sciences. The fundraising does not contain any other conditions regarding its purpose.

Other terms and conditions

The donation is made without any requirements for service in return. The donation is not associated with any subsequent condition or with conditions that bind the use of the university's other funds. The university determines how the donation is used. All information regarding the donations (the donor's name, amount, purpose), pursuant to paragraph 21 of the Finnish Polytechnics Act and the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999), is public.

Mia-Maja Wägar

Manager, Strategic outreach and external funding

Phone number:0294 282 804