Arcada mobilizes its RDI efforts to a center
Published: 19.01.2021 / Research
Arcada brings its library services closer to the customers and ties its closer to the research at Arcada. The goal is to increase the scientific competence among students and staff. This will include the idea “a place for space”, so that everyone who is interested in research at Arcada can easily access services, support and meet up with others with the same interest.
Services at Arcada’s RDI center
Arcada's Research, Development and Innovation operations will be integrated with the competence at the library. The center works to improve open science at Arcada as well as in increasing the visibility for Arcada’s researchers, project results and publications.
The center specifically handles the management of:
- Research data
- Parallel publishing
- Publication fees
- Reliability of publishing channels
- Copyright and licenses
- Open teaching material
The center will provide a wide range of services for researchers, students and teachers.
- Use of the collections (physical and digital)
- Open science
- Visibility, reporting and publication metrics
- Spaces for research and studies
- Diversified information competence
- Support for research at Arcada
The information sources that are available include:
- Access to the sources of information needed for research, teaching and studying at Arcada
- Guides and teaching, e.g. writing guides, reference management
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