Online or on-site at Arcada (room D4109)
Join researchers from Arcada University of Applied Sciences, the Deaconess Foundation, and the University of Tartu on Wednesday, February 26th 2025 for a hybrid seminar and presentation of the results of the EASWork project. This will be an efficient and action-packed two-hour event.
Arcada has been granted 140,000 euros from the The foundation Brita Maria Renlunds minne to deepen its research in how social humanoid robots can be of use in early childhood education in a safe and pedagogical way.
It is election time and since this year the hot topic is the 'crisis of democracy' and everybody is concerned about the vote of the youth, here are three points for the young and the not-so-young ones.
Arcada and other locations
At "Closing the loops – CircAgile Spring School 2024" the participants in the Nordic-Baltic network of higher education Agile Circular Competence Network present the latest advancements in the field.
Big Square, Arcada
Welcome to familiarize with the broad and deep research and development activities carried out at Arcada at the Research, Development and Innovation Fair 2023.
The Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership project “INTERLOCALITY - increased local employability of international degree students” is taking Arcada one step closer to the aim of increasing local employment and retention among international degree students and graduates, within the fields of engineering and business administration.
At Arcada we celebrate Researchers' Night with a webinar focusing on artificial intelligence. Welcome to join us to learn more about research at Arcada!