Arcada University of Applied Sciences and LAB University of Applied Sciences are launching a joint English-language Master's programme in emergency care. The programme, Master of Social and Health Care, Emergency Care Systems Development and Leadership, is the first of its kind, and offers healthcare professionals worldwide the opportunity to study fully online.
The nursing programme at Arcada is the best in the country in a comparison between Finnish universities of applied sciences. This is according to the AVOP survey 2023, a feedback survey for UAS students in the final stage of their studies.
Arcada University of Applied Sciences (UAS) and Åland UAS are launching an English-language engineering degree programme at master’s level. The programme focuses on energy automation and sustainability. The one-year master's programme goes by the name Energy Automation Sustainable Engineering (EASE) and has strong connections to the business world.
Finding work on the Finnish labour market is not always a walk in the park for international students. In order to improve the situation, Arcada University of Applied Sciences (UAS) has taken a giant leap forward by starting a pilot project focusing on internship collaboration between the UAS and Finnish companies.
The new learning environment, Arcada Health Tech Hub, offers students, professional occupational therapists and physiotherapists, researchers and companies a space where they can come together around health technology. The centre is built with the support of donations to the fundraising campaign Arcada 25 launched in celebration of Arcada’s 25th anniversary.
The new HaSuRiski project draws up risk maps of acid sulphate soils in Finland. Within the project, a prototype for a mobile application will be developed. The app uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to model the risk maps and will help experts plan land use in high-risk areas.
The board of the Arcada University of Applied Sciences Ltd has decided to initiate cooperation negotiations with all employees, including the UAS' management.
Arcada University of Applied Sciences offers a new set of courses to meet society's demand for engineers with knowledge in circular economy and sustainability.
Kovács and Lindfors were elected to the board of Arcada University of Applied Sciences during the Annual General Meeting in May. Marcus Rantala continues as Chairman of the Board.