Arcada supports integration in Swedish – becomes the first Swedish-language SIMHE educational institution in Finland
Published: 10.11.2020 / Press release
Arcada is the first Swedish-language SIMHE higher education institution in Finland. The UAS will support highly educated immigrants in getting their previous degrees and competencies validated, and also be able to guide them to further studies or working life.
As an educational institution with responsibility for SIMHE (Supporting Immigrants in Higher Education in Finland) services, Arcada will support participation and integration in Swedish in Finland. The UAS will work to ensure that immigrants' and asylum seekers' previous studies are identified and recognised in accordance with national practice as soon as possible.
According to Annika Stadius, Manager of Counselling and Student Well-being at Arcada, this is an important step to promote integration on equal terms in Finnish society, also for those who choose Swedish as their first language.
- We are incredibly proud and happy for this opportunity and responsibility. Among the immigrants who choose integration in Swedish, the majority have an academic degree, and it is important that they can use their skills in the Finnish society. Getting these individuals into the Finnish labour market is crucial both for them as individuals, but also for our society, says Stadius.
Together with other actors in the Helsinki region, Arcada will build services that promote the employability of immigrants and support their ability to feel included in society.
- To support immigrants in becoming an active part of society, holistic work is needed. It requires cooperation and co-creation with various parts of the society and with the immigrants at the center to find sustainable and long-term solutions, says Sandra Slotte, Head of sustainable career support and in charge of developing SIMHE activities at Arcada.
The SIMHE institutions receive support for their work from the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.