
How can small museums innovate on digitalisation?

The International Museum Day of 2022 carries the slogan ”The Power of Museums”. One sub-theme is ”the power of innovating on digitalisation and accessibility”. And it is truly timely to ponder what this power is all about in relation to the digital.

Category: Research

Inclusion in Human-Robot interaction

Leonardo Espinosa-Leal, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Big Data Analytics. Arcada University of Applied Sciences. E-mail:

Category: Research

New project to prevent problems with acid sulphate soils using a mobile app

The new HaSuRiski project draws up risk maps of acid sulphate soils in Finland. Within the project, a prototype for a mobile application will be developed. The app uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to model the risk maps and will help experts plan land use in high-risk areas.

Category: Press release

Prospects in telerehabilitation

Thomas Hellstén, PhD student, Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy, Department of Health and Welfare, Arcada, E-mail:

Category: Research

En Filmproduktion i startgropen: av Robert Nordström

Jag befinner mig så långt västerut man kan komma i Europa, på en ö som heter Achill Island på Irland. Jag har blivit anlitad som filmfotograf på en finsk-irländsk samproduktion som utspelas i sin helhet här på Irland.

Category: Education