Ditepract, Erasmus+ project
Published: 25.11.2021 / Pedagogical development work
The Ditepract project began with a kick off meeting in April this year. The project has started quickly and efficiently in accordance with the project plan.
Cigdem Baskici, Sultan Kav, Anne Söderlund & Camilla Wikström-Grotell 25.10.2021

In the first two work packages, data collection is completed and data analysis is in progress. Professor Anne Söderlund from Mälardalen University in Sweden describe below where we stand in the first work package. Professor Sultan Kav from Baskent University in Turkey together with her collegue Cigdem Baskici the second work package. So far, we have met completely online at least once a month. The management group has met three times and the steering group once. We all look forward to meeting face to face at the first transnational meeting in Sweden in January 2022. The picture below is from our working meeting in October and shows the very active collaboration and reflective approach with several representatives from each university.

We are also already planning for the following work packages and the next step will be very interesting: to develop scenarios in every partner university. This work will be in the hands of the Nursing School in Coimbra and Professor Antonio Amaral.
Update of the IO 1 Scoping review of the literature
The IO 1 of this project concerns a scoping literature review with a working title “Explore activities, practices and outcomes of digital and/or online teaching, training and learning of practical skills in social and health care higher education”.
The work with this review flows well forward. The literature search has been done and the studies have been selected. All partners have kept well their deadlines in delivering different tasks. The consensus discussions have been extremely fruitful. The last discussion was done during a workshop on a Transnational online meeting in October 2021. Mälardalen University, Sweden hosted this meeting.
We are currently summarizing the results of the scoping review, which include 51 studies, and hoping soon to come to a conclusion, which eventually promote the final product of this project, i.e. guidelines for the digital, and hybrid teaching and learning of practical skills in higher education.
Update of the IO 2 Mapping of teachers online and digital competencies
The IO 2 of this project is about mapping of teachers´digital and hybrid learning competencies of practical student skills through focus group dialogues and surveys in partner universities. The description of these activities can be found below:
Partner universities
Arcada UAS, Baskent university, Escola superior de enfermagem de coimbra, Lituanian university of health sciences, Mälardalen university, Riga stradins university.