The second LTT meeting of the Erasmus+ project
Published: 10.10.2022 / Pedagogical development work
The second LTT meeting of the Erasmus+ project, titled "Digital and Hybrid Teaching and Learning of Practical Skills in Higher Education: DITEPRACT" was hosted by Başkent University on 11-12-13 October 2022. The aim of the project, which started on March 01, 2021 and will be completed on February 28, 2023, is to increase the technical knowledge and pedagogical competencies of academicians in order to support students in gaining practical learning outcomes in digital environments. The mission of our project team, consisting of Prof. Dr. Sultan Kav (Faculty of Health Sciences), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cigdem Baskici (Faculty of Health Sciences), Assist. Prof. Dr. Halil Ersoy (Faculty of Education) and Assist. Prof. Dr. Aydan Ozdemir (Health Services Vocational School), is to reveal the knowledge and experiences of the project partners to form the basis for the development of new scenarios and practical learning strategies on digital platforms, and to disseminate the best practices among the project partners.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Filiz Kalelioglu, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Ozel, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Halil Ersoy were attended as keynote speakers to conferences held during meeting. Current issues such as the emerging problems of online and blended learning for teaching practical skills, the challenges of online assessment during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and the ethical and social aspects of online education and training were discussed in the conferences. While the project researchers from Arcada University at Finland, University of Coimbra at Portugal, and Riga Stradins University at Latvia attended the meeting physically, others from Mälardalen University at Sweden and the Health Sciences University at Lithuania participated online. In addition, workshops were held at the “Thermopolium Gastronomy Academy” and “Ceramics Studio” to promote our university and culture.