Two Things You Should Know About Studying in Finland and at Arcada
Published: 09.02.2021 / Education / Student life / Blog
Hello there!
I’m Jordi, a Materials Processing Technology (now Mechanical and Sustainability Engineering) student at Arcada University of Applied Sciences (UAS).
Most likely you are, as I was back in the day, a bit hesitant on whether enrolling in Arcada to pursue your engineering career is a good choice or not. Short answer: YES, it definitely is, but let’s dig deeper into that answer since there are different things you should know about studying here, especially concerning some myths around the Finnish culture.
Jordi Mata Garcia
First of all, the relationship with the teachers. Most of us were used to, from our experiences in our respective countries, teachers being educational figures to be treated with respect and as an authority in the class. That still stands true at Arcada, the difference being that they aren’t afraid of making mistakes or being challenged by difficult questions. You will see your teacher as one extra member of your class group instead of a separate figure, which will make a whole world of difference when wanting to be open to share your questions and/or intrigues about whichever class topic.
Second of all, another “cliché” that usually arises upon foreigners is that the Finnish society is cold and closed to themselves. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even though it is true that it takes a bit longer to truly get to know a Finnish person, and that they may be a bit more careful when really opening up to somebody, they will welcome you with honest and warm smiles if you also do your part on that. And still, a commonly shared feeling at Arcada is that country borders are left outside the facilities. Inside the UAS you are a colleague, a friend, a member of a community that just cares about a kind and positive spirit and attitude. Soon you will be sharing your food time with friends from all around the globe, which will strengthen your understanding of the world from so many different perspectives.
So, wonder no further! Put on your better spirit and join us!
The application to Arcada’s programmes in English is open! The application period is 15.12.2020–25.2.2021. With degree programmes in English within Business, Media, Engineering and Healthcare, we make sure you have a wide range of options from which to launch or take the next step in your career.