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Katri Ruutu

Senior Lecturer in Sports Science

Liikuntatieteiden maisteri

Phone number:0294 282 885

I am a Master of Science in Exercise Physiology and a Senior lecturer in Sports and Health Promotion. In addition, I am studying the effects of physical exercise on biological aging (as a PhD student). My main teaching area is biology of physical activity, exercise physiology and sports coaching and fitness testing. I am also involved in the teacher teams in other courses provided for the sports instructor students and partly also for physiotherapy students. Additionally, I participate in the guidance of the field practice and supervision of the students’ Bachelor theses. I am responsible for the Arcada’s fitness testing laboratory which I utilize in teaching in various ways. In addition to physical activity and sports, I am also interested in health promotion and well-being (e.g. recovery, sleep, nutrition, psychological well-being), how we can apply technological solutions in health, well-being and sports as well as e-learning. External link

Selected publications:
- Telkamo, H., Kettunen, J. & Ruutu, K. 2019. Urheiluvammat suomalaisessa kilpacheerleadingissä. 2019. Valmentaja, nro 4. Suomen Valmentajat.
- Ruutu, K. 2014. Työhyvinvointia merellä. Liikunnan Ammattilainen, nro 5. Pullinen, K. 2014. Määritä kuntotasosi ja liiku oikein. Liikunnan Ammattilainen, nro 3.
- Wikström-Grotell, C., Pullinen, K. & Arola, A. 2013. Hälsolabbar. Julkaisussa Silius-Ahonen, E. (toim.) Adia: att utveckla högskolan som innovationsarena. Arcada publication 1/2013. Helsingfors.
- Peltonen, J.E., Koponen, A.S., Pullinen, K., Hägglund, H., Aho, J.M., Kyröläinen, H. & Tikkanen, H.O. 2012. Alveolar gas exchange and tissue deoxygenation during exercise in type 1 diabetes patients and healthy controls. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 181, 267-276.
- Kivelä, R., Silvennoinen, M., Lehti, M., Rinnankoski-Tuikka, R., Purhonen, T., Ketola, T., Pullinen, K., Vuento, M., Mutanen, N., Sartor, M.A., Reunanen, H., Koch, L.G., Britton, S.L. 2010. Gene expression centroids that link with low intrinsic aerobic exercise capacity and complex disease risk. The FASEB Journal, 24(11): 4565-74.