Online Grocery Shoppers According to Their Typical Shopping Style: A Cluster Analysis External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Stenius, Minna |
Journal of Food Products Marketing |
2024 |
Older consumers’ views on online grocery shopping External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Stenius, Minna |
Procedia Computer Science |
2024 |
Roboten i matbutiken External link |
Tigerstedt, Christa; Eriksson, Niklas; Länsiluoto, Mikko; Mäkelä, Olivia; Nirhamo, Sonja; Kuvaja Adolfsson, Kristoffer |
Businessbloggen |
2024 |
Digitala applikationer för försäljning av matöverskott External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Stenius, Minna |
Businessbloggen |
2024 |
The Influence of Smart Shopping Carts on the Healthier Food Choices of Young Consumers External link |
Fagerstrøm, Asle; Eriksson, Niklas; Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Larsen, Nils-Magne; Menon, Vishnu |
Communications in Computer and Information Science |
2024 |
What explains routinized online grocery shopping? A study of experienced shoppers External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Stenius, Minna |
2024 |
What can we learn from non-adopters of online grocery shopping? Insights from Finland External link |
Stenius, Minna; Eriksson, Niklas |
The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research |
2024 |
Insamling av inköpsdata: vad tycker konsumenten? External link |
Eriksson, Niklas |
Businessbloggen |
2023 |
What do regular online grocery shoppers want from online grocers going forward? Suggestions for service quality improvements External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Stenius, Minna |
Procedia Computer Science |
2023 |
Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Fagerstrøm, Asle; Sigurðsson, Valdimar; Larsen, Nils-Magne; Menon, Vishnu |
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health |
2023 |
What services do experienced online grocery shoppers appreciate moving forward? External link |
Stenius, Minna; Eriksson, Niklas |
Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business and E-Government |
2023 |
What’s in the cards for online grocery business in Finland going forward? Present state and future challenges according to experts External link |
Stenius, Minna; Sillander, Johanna; Eriksson, Niklas |
Arcada Working Papers |
2023 |
Online grocery shoppers due to the Covid-19 pandemic - An analysis of demographic and household characteristics External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Stenius, Minna |
Procedia Computer Science |
2022 |
The relative impact of health communication conveyed via quick response codes: A conjoint experiment among young thai consumers doing grocery shopping External link |
Fagerstrøm, Asle; Eriksson, Niklas; Khamtanet, Sirinna; Jitkuekul, Premruedee; Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Larsen, Nils Magne |
Health Marketing Quarterly |
2022 |
What beliefs underlie decisions to buy groceries online? External link |
Stenius, Minna; Eriksson, Niklas |
International Journal of Consumer Studies |
2022 |
Price consciousness as basis for Thai and Finnish young adults’ mobile shopping in retail stores External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Fagerstrøm, Asle; Khamtanet, Sirinna; Jitkuekul, Premruedee |
Procedia computer science |
2021 |
A qualitative study of consumer resistance to mobile payments for in-store purchases External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Gökhan, Ates; Stenius, Minna |
Procedia computer science |
2021 |
Adoption and Use of Health-related Mobile Applications: A Qualitative Study with Experienced Users External link |
Smirnova, Elena; Eriksson, Niklas; Fagerstrøm, Asle |
2021 |
Vad får ett akademiskt samarbete att fungera? Erfarenheter från ett nordiskt partnerskap mellan två högskolor External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Fagerstrøm, Asle |
Arcada Publikation |
2021 |
An Explorative Study on the Impact of Antecedent Mood States on Consumers' Evaluation of Hotels Online External link |
Pawar, S.; Fagerstrom, A.; Suaphuk, G.; Eriksson, N. |
2021 |
Changing Behavioral Patterns in Grocery Shopping in the Initial Phase of the Covid-19 Crisis—A Qualitative Study of News Articles External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Stenius, Minna |
Open journal of business and management |
2020 |
The Use of Mobile Apps to Facilitate Customers’ Choice-Making When Grocery Shopping External link |
Fagerstrøm, Asle; Eriksson, Niklas; Sigurdsson, Valdimar |
Smart innovation, systems and technologies |
2020 |
Investigating the impact of Internet of Things services from a smartphone app on grocery shopping External link |
Fagerstrøm, Asle; Eriksson, Niklas; Sigurdsson, Valdimar |
Journal of retailing and consumer services |
2020 |
Exploring showrooming behavior in electronics and clothing retail External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Fagerstrøm, Asle |
Arcada Working Papers |
2019 |
The relative importance of healthy food labels when shopping for groceries online External link |
Fagerstrøm, Asle; Richartz, Philip; Pawar, Sanchit; Larsen, Nils Magne; Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Eriksson, Niklas |
Procedia Computer Science |
2019 |
Consumer brand post engagement on Facebook and Instagram – A study of three interior design brands External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Sjöberg, Annette; Rosenbröijer, Carl-Johan; Fagerstrøm, Asle |
2019 |
Exploring customer online reviews for new product development: The case of identifying reinforcers in the cosmetic industry External link |
Haddara, Moutaz; Hsieh, Jenny; Fagerstrøm, Asle; Eriksson, Niklas; Sigurðsson, Valdimar |
Managerial and Decision Economics |
2019 |
Examining the Relative Impact of Professional Profile Images and Facial Expressions in Small Business-to-Business Marketing Online External link |
Pawar, Sanchit; Fagerstrøm, Asle; Dimude, Ifeoma Angelica Z; Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Eriksson, Niklas |
Interacting with Computers |
2019 |
Auditering av högskolan på Åland 2018 External link |
Tosteby, Jonas; Blomqvist-Valtonen, Elin; Eriksson, Niklas; Hindrén, Andreas; Östling, Malin; Nordblad, Mirella |
2018 |
Smartphones as decision support in retail stores – The role of product category and gender External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Rosenbröijer, Carl-Johan; Fagerstrøm, Asle |
Procedia computer science |
2018 |
Older travelers’ propensity to go online: the role of travel style External link |
Eriksson, Niklas |
2017 |
The Relative Impact Of Wi-Fi Service On Young Consumers’ Hotel Booking Online External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Fagerstrøm, Asle |
Journal of hospitality and tourism research |
2017 |
Young-elderly individuals´ use of social media for travel purpose External link |
Fabricius, Susanna; Eriksson, Niklas |
Tourism and Management Studies |
2017 |
Young consumers’ tendency to use a smartphone as decision-support inside clothing stores External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Rosenbröijer, Carl-Johan; Fagerstrøm, Asle |
Arcada Working Papers |
2017 |
What’s the “Thing” in Internet of Things in Grocery Shopping? A Customer Approach External link |
Fagerstrøm, Asle; Eriksson, Niklas; Sigurðsson, Valdimar |
Procedia computer science |
2017 |
The relationship between young consumers’ decision-making styles and propensity to shop clothing online with a smartphone External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Rosenbröijer, Carl-Johan; Fagerstrøm, Asle |
Procedia computer science |
2017 |
Understanding the impact of content in social media advertising External link |
Fagerstrøm, Asle; Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Lillemoen, Maria; Eriksson, Niklas |
2017 |
The data driven decision RACE in eRetailing External link |
Eriksson, Niklas; Forsström, Mikael; Rosenbröijer, Carl-Johan |
2016 |
Impact of in-store technology on the consumer shopping process : a field experiment with a smart card External link |
Niklas Eriksson; Elena Smirnova; Carl-Johan Rosenbröijer; Peter Mildén |
Arcada Working Papers |
2016 |
Young-elderly travellers as potential users and actual users of internet with mobile devices during trips External link |
Niklas Eriksson; Susanna Fabricius |
2015 |
Travellers' intended future trip arrangement strategies for things to do during a trip : implications for travel distribution External link |
Niklas Eriksson |
2015 |
Data driven decision-making in eretailing : a customer centric funnel approach External link |
Niklas Eriksson; Mikael Forsström; Carl-Johan Rosenbröijer |
Arcada Working papers |
2015 |
User categories of mobile travel services External link |
Niklas Eriksson |
Journal of hospitality and tourism technology |
2014 |
Segmenting the mobile services market for the baby boom generation External link |
Thach To; Niklas Eriksson |
Arcada Working papers |
2014 |
Big data analytics : what is it? External link |
Niklas Eriksson; Magnus Westerlund; Carl-Johan Rosenbröijer |
Arcada Working papers |
2014 |
A description of an e-commerce lab in Finland External link |
Mikael Forsström; Carl-Johan Rosenbröijer; Niklas Eriksson |
eEcosystems |
2014 |
A local outdoor mobile tour guide in HTML5 : drivers and barriers External link |
Niklas Eriksson, Magnus Westerlund, Carl-Johan Rosenbröijer, Hellevi Aittoniemi, Ted Mellin, Krista Fransman |
2013 |
User experience of trip arrangements : a comparison of mobile device and computer use External link |
Eriksson, Niklas |
International journal of e-services and mobile applications |
2012 |
A follow up of internet adopters̕ use, perceptions and channel preferences of electronic travel services External link |
Eriksson, Niklas |
Proceedings of the International conference in Helsingborg |
2012 |