Big Data Analytics

Täydennyskoulutus / Tekniikka / Liiketalous

Opinnot perustuvat koneoppimisen teorioihin sekä analytiikan palvelumuotoilun haasteisiin. Kehität yksityiskohtaista tietoa ja ymmärrystä siitä, miten nämä tieteenalat sulautuvat yhteen sekä työmarkkinan ongelmien ratkaisemisesta.

  • Hinta
    600 € + 0% Alv
  • Järjestäjä
    Ammattikorkeakoulu Arcada
  • Kieli
  • Laajuus
    30 OP
  • Koulutusajankohta
  • Viimeinen hakupäivä
  • Sisäänpääsyvaatimukset
    Insinööritutkinto tai vastaava tutkinto, jonka ammattikorkeakoulu katsoo kelpoiseksi. Aikaisempi työkokemus ohjelmistosuunnittelusta. Opinnot suoritetaan mastertasolla.

Salvatore della Vecchia
Former student of BDA at Arcada

Salvatore della Vecchia
One thing I really appreciate is that the education isn’t just theoretical, but we get to work with real data sets. I’m just about to start the last course where we work with actual data from a real company, which is both really interesting and the best way to learn. I appreciate Arcada’s approach to education, that it’s important to study the theory, but equally important to get to do real programming and utilize what you’ve learned. This was something that I missed at my university in Italy, where the studies were mainly theoretical.

Salvatore della Vecchia
Former student of BDA at Arcada

Salvatore della Vecchia
Of course the studies are intense and you have to be prepared to work hard, but it’s worth it. The content has been great. I’ve especially enjoyed going through visual analytics techniques and advanced data mining – something that is hard to find a place to study, since not many are using these advanced techniques yet. To sum it up, yes, I would definitely recommend these studies to others!