Courses for Exchange Students
On this page, we have listed courses available to exchange students organized according to area of study. Please read the course descriptions in detail and make sure you fulfill the prerequisites for each course you intend to take.
International Business
Exciting opportunities, a truly international atmosphere and business contacts are key when it comes to the degree programme in International Business. Here you will find students that are preparing themselves for the modern business world.
Instructions on how to choose courses 2025-26
When applying for an exchange to study business at Arcada you should choose one main subject + development studies. Please find the available course packages below. Courses shall be selected within a chosen package. Please note that subjects from different course packages, main subjects or different semesters cannot be combined. The recommended amount of credits per Semester is 30 cr.
N.B.: There are a limited number of places available per each main subject module, which means that your choice of courses will be confirmed only after you have successfully submitted your application.
In the following PDF you will find a list of all courses and a link to the course descriptions.
IB Courses for Incoming Exchange 2025-2026Health and Welfare
Sport and Health promotion
This course list is put together for the incoming exchange students in Sports and Health promotion. Some of the courses are given out by other institutions, but are available to take.
Select the courses from the list that suits you best. We recommend that you divide the courses as evenly as possible between the periods for a suitable workload. A total of 30 credits per term or 60 credits per year is recommended for Arcada students.
Autumn 2025
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Coaching External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Adapted Physical Education External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Health Communication External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
The Projects in Working Life External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Health and Sports Psychology External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Applied Exercise Physiology External link | 1-5 | Autumn | 2 |
Language courses (detail below) | 5-10 | Autumn | 1 & 2 |
Spring 2026
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Physical activities External link | 5 | Spring | 3 |
English Professional Communication II | 5 | Spring | 3 |
Practical Training in Exercise and Health External link | 5 | Spring | 3 & 4 |
Health Promotion Settings and Communities External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Alternative Practical Training External link | 5-10 | Spring | 4 |
Language courses (detail below) | 5-10 | Spring | 3 & 4 |
If you are interested in exchange studies, please contact the Physiotherapy (PT) program directly, or email international(a), for further information about courses and clinical practice. You are required to have a minimum of 120 ECTS before starting your exchange and preferably experience from at least one earlier clinical practice”.
Social Services
At the moment we are only offering courses in Swedish within the Social Area.
Occupational therapy
Please contact the Occupational Therapy (OT) program directly if interested in exchange studies.
At the moment we are only offering courses in Swedish within the OT program. Note, we offer multi-form teaching with online lectures and study days on Campus only 2-3 days/month.
Energy and Materials Technology
Mechanical and Sustainable Engineering - 2025-26
This course list is put together for the incoming exchange students in Mechanical and Sustainable Engineering (Materials Processing Technology).
Please select the courses with special attention to the course requirements (see the pre-requisites and co-requisites for each course by following their respective link). We recommend that you divide the courses as evenly as possible between the periods for a suitable workload. A total of 30 credits per term or 60 credits per year is recommended for Arcada students.
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Teamwork and Innovation (updated later) | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Basic studies in Technology
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Engineering Chemistry External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Engineering Physics External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Sustainable Modelling
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Sustainable Energy and Materials External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Life Cycle Assessment External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Technical Modelling
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Computer Aided Design External link | 5 | Spring | 3 |
Programming External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Periods |
Manufacturing and Processing External link | 5 | Spring | 3-4 |
Material Properties External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Engineering Design
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Statics External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Mechanics of Materials External link | 5 | Spring | 3 |
Finite Element Method External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Digital Manufacturing External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Computer Aided Engineering External link (recommended year 3) | 5 | Spring | 3-4 |
Circular Economy
Course Name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Circular Economy Principles External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Circular Economy Sectors External link | 5 | Spring | 3 |
Circular economy Indicators External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Plastic Technology
Course Name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Fluid Mechanics External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Mould Design External link | 5 | Spring | 3 |
Processing Methods and Optimization | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Advanced Materials and Design
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Periods |
Viscoelasticity External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Material analysis External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Sustainable Product design External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Project * External link | 5-15 | Autumn or Spring | 1, 2, 3, 4 |
*Includes composite project, design projects, manufacturing, testing and analyses projects.
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Language courses (detail below) | 5/course | Autumn/Spring |
Energy and Environmental Engineering - 2025-26
At the moment we are only offering courses in Swedish within Energy and Environmental Engineering. You will find the Energy and Environmental Engineering courses in Swedish by clicking the link below.
Culture and Media
Culture and Media 2025-26
Our degree programs in Culture and Media inspires creativity and innovation. Through regular contact with lecturers, researchers and industry leaders, students develop professional and analytical abilities that will give them the edge in cultural and media sectors.
These options have been identified to allow international students an opportunity to explore, analyse and apply their knowledge in a Swedish-Finnish setting. The packages provide students with the theoretical background and guidance to develop a project they could complete while studying at Arcada. There is no overlap between courses so students may choose any of the following:
Autumn 2025
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Cultural project management 5 ECTS + posibility to do interniship 5-10 ECTS | 5-15 | Autumn | 1 + 2 |
International Cultural Management External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Critical Media Analysis External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Compassion at Work External link (Online self-studies) | 5 | Autumn | |
Branding and visual identity External link N.B.: Limited number of seats on the course | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Negotiating for creative entrepreneurs External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Spring 2026
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Trends in Culture and Art External link | 5 | Spring | 3 |
Portfolio design and presentation External link | 10 | Spring | 3-4 |
Content creation and community building External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Introduction to design External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Cultural Politics and Cultural Heritage External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Language Courses Autumn 2025 and Spring 2026
For additional credits during the year, we suggest the language courses for beginners. You'll find the details below
Language Courses for Exchange students
Please note that each level is a prerequisite to the next level e.g. you can only take Finnish 3 after you have completed Finnish 1 and 2 or equivalent levels if you have studied Finnish previously. The same applies to Swedish.
Language courses 2025-26
Course name | ECTS | Semester | Period |
Finnish for Beginners 1 External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Finnish for Beginners 2 External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Finnish for Beginners 3 External link | 5 | Spring | 3 |
Swedish for beginners 1 External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Swedish for beginners 2 External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Swedish for Beginners 3 External link | 5 | Autumn | 1 |
Swedish for Beginners 4 External link | 5 | Autumn | 2 |
Swedish for beginners 1 External link | 5 | Spring | 3 |
Swedish for beginners 2 External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |
Swedish for Beginners 3 External link | 5 | Spring | 3 |
Swedish for Beginners 4 External link | 5 | Spring | 4 |