Book an appointment

Book an appointment with a career counsellor who can help you with your thoughts about work, studies or finding the next goal in life. Our counselling services are free of charge.
Our career counsellors
Meggi is a career counselor and helps with issues related to career choices and applying for a job or internship. Meggi can help you clarify your strengths and competences, motivation and values in order to build your career path. Meggi provides guidance in Swedish or English.
Ulla is a career counsellor and represents the SIMHE Network (Supporting Immigrants in Higher Education). Ulla guides you in practical job search and finding your career path. Ulla gives counselling in English or Swedish.
Elena is Team Lead of Career Centre and a career counsellor that represents the SIMHE (Supporting Immigrants in Higher Education) network. She can help you with career choices, study options and guide you through the integration process. She gives counselling in English or Russian.
Inga is a career counsellor dedicated to helping you discover your life mission, create a plan to achieve it, and present yourself in the best possible light through storytelling, pitching, and personal branding. Inga primarily works with international engineering students (ANCHOR project) as well as all Arcada students and alumni. She mainly consults in English, with Ukrainian available if needed.
Book an appointment
Book an appointment with a career counsellor who can help you with your questions regarding work, studies or your next step. Proceed to our calendar below to select a service, a career counsellor and a suitable date and free time. You can meet us either online or on campus.
If you have a shorter question, you are welcome to meet us during our drop-in hours. The Career Centre is located on Arcada's campus at the entrance level in C1, opposite the elevators.
Tips on how to get the most out of the meeting:
- Feel free to prepare by writing down your thoughts and questions.
- Have your certificates, diplomas, your CV or other documentation close at hand.
The career counsellor is a neutral conversation partner who has professional secrecy regarding your personal circumstances. Our career counselling services are free of charge.