International collaboration

Arcada builds Nordic cooperation for global relevance. The international dimension runs like a common thread through all operations.
An international study and work environment is a natural part of our daily life. Today, we are one of the most international higher education institutiones in Finland in terms of both the share of international students and staff. A telling example is that among our approximately 2,700 students there are over 60 nationalities. Diversity is seen as a resource and driving force for quality.
At Arcada the development of the international dimensions of our operations is a strategic choice. Our roadmap for internationalisation provides guidelines and ensures that international activities are included in all operations. The roadmap focuses on the integration of international and intercultural dimensions in the organizational culture and the studies.
We maintain our local relevance by collaborating and focusing on global issues. This is done through strategic partnerships within the Nordic region. Partnerships, which promote both research and education. By actively collaborating within international networks we co-create tomorrow's smart solutions. All in an effort to promote our students' opportunities for an international career as well as a rewarding and sustainable life.