Arcada will increase the number of admitted students in the ongoing application round  

Published: 15.06.2020 / Press release

Arcada is increasing the number of seats in the Swedish Bachelor's programmes in the ongoing admission for 2020. Through this, Arcada wants to counteract youth unemployment and the social effects of the ongoing pandemic. 

The UAS increases the number of seats for the Bachelor's programmes by a total of 30. The places are distributed between areas where there is a clear demand and a need for experts in the labour market. For the programmes in business administration and IT, the UAS has added 10 places each. The programmes for social services and physiotherapy also get 5 places each. 

“We signaled early on that we are ready to carry our responsibility and increase the number of places due to the exceptional circumstances. Now it becomes reality. Sustainability and collaboration with the surrounding community are key components of all our activities. Now we can help mitigate the negative effects of potential youth unemployment, says Carl-Johan Rosenbröijer, Vice Rector with responsibility for degree education. 

The additional places are filled based on the results in the matriculation examination and thus do not affect the share of places filled through the admissions tests. Applicants who are admitted to the supplementary places are notified in person via the application service 

Arcada and Åland UAS launch master's degree programme which responds to the need for more sustainable solutions in the energy industry

Arcada University of Applied Sciences (UAS) and Åland UAS are launching an English-language engineering degree programme at master’s level. The programme focuses on energy automation and sustainability. The one-year master's programme goes by the name Energy Automation Sustainable Engineering (EASE) and has strong connections to the business world.

Category: Press release