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Arcada reopens campus in August

Published: 21.06.2021 / News

From the autumn term 2021, Arcada will resume work on campus. The intention is to resume activities on campus to the largest extent possible. 

Teaching and services  

The aim is to return to studies on campus. All students who are in Finland will take part in blended learning. This means that many of the big lectures will be held online for everyone whereas lectures in smaller groups, group assignments and workshops will mostly be on campus. For those unable to attend on campus due to restrictions imposed by the authorities, all compulsory lectures will be live streamed or alternative methods for completing the course will be available. 

Study-related services in the Arcada-building will be available, such as the library, the student restaurant, learning environments, etc. 

International students

It is our intention to welcome you to campus. Please note that you have to follow the national quarantine and testing guidelines when arriving in Finland.

You can find more information here:

The Finnish Border Guard: Covid-19 info External link

The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare: Travel and the coronavirus pandemic External link

A safe study and work environment 

Each and every one of us is responsible for their own actions and for contributing to a safe study and work environment. Students, staff and visitors should use a face mask when visiting campus and especially when sufficient safety distance (1,5-2 m) cannot be maintained. 

Remember the most important instructions: 

  • stay home if you feel ill 
  • remember good hand hygiene 
  • avoid handshakes and other direct bodily contact if possible 
  • cough and sneeze into a handkerchief or armpit 
  • avoid activities that require loud voice use  

External guests and events 

External guests are again welcome on campus and follow the same recommendations as others. 

The congress services and facility rental will resume, taking into account the same safety rules that apply to the university's own operations. Leasing of rooms takes place primarily outside lecture hours (evenings and weekends). 

Arcada’s own events during the autumn will be arranged in accordance with current guidelines and restrictions imposed by the authorities. However, it has already been decided that some events will be held online.

Arcada follows the official guidelines regularly and updates its own measures and restrictions, as necessary.