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Carina Kiukas


Phone number:0294 282 536

Carina Kiukas is a pedagogical developer with over 20 years of experience within higher education. Kiukas is also the chair of the Pedagogical Council at Arcada UAS. Through this position Kiukas has the opportunity to be part of continual development work in practice. With the purpose to support high quality of students learning experiences, the focus is on various activities aiming for the development of teaching (for example online pedagogics and coaching concepts) and curricula work.

Kiukas earned her Ph. D. at Åbo Akademi University in 2021. The dissertation cover a participatory action research project on the educational development work done in a University of Applied Sciences (UAS). The study is based on a professional ambition and need to make visible and systematize educational development work. The purpose of the study was to develop knowledge of the practices that educational development work in a UAS consists of. The theory of practices architectures is used as a lens to explore the pedagogical development work.

Carina Kiukas