How to start and run your own business
Fortbildning / Ekonomi

Is entrepreneurship close to your heart? Are you interested in starting your own business but unsure of where to begin? Or have you recently started an own business but feel like you need support? In this course we will cover different themes that are highly relevant for starting a business and what you should consider in your business plan.
- Pris
225 € + 0% Moms - Arrangör
Arcada University of Applied Sciences - Språk
Engelska - Omfattning
15 SP - Utbildningsdatum
- Sista ansökningsdatum
Vänligen notera att denna kurs går på engelska.
Does starting a business seem difficult and overwhelming? No need to worry – this course is your one stop shop for all you need in order to start and run a successful business. The course content will be tailored to suit the needs of each participant. Among others, we will dive into subjects such as finance and profitability calculations, staff and employment, logistics, marketing and corporate social responsibility.
This course is for anyone with a business idea or who has just started a business - field or industry of business does not matter.
You will get support in taking your next steps in being an entrepreneur and learning the practical aspects of running your own business. The course centers around you developing a business plan for your new business.
Learning outcomes
We will be focusing on various themes, which all play an important role when starting your own business. Learning outcomes of the course include:
- Defining a vision and mission statement for your business
- Learning how to conduct a market analysis
- Basic knowledge about selling and service design
- Knowledge of marketing channels and competence in how to create a marketing plan
- Accounting and budgeting as well as pricing and profitability
- Logistics, purchasing and contracts
In order for you to get the best learning outcome, the course content will be adapted to the types of business ideas that the participants have. The course also serves as a great possibility to network with fellow participants, who usually are from various backgrounds, enhancing your learning experience.
Practical information
The course is entirely online except for the kick-off (10.1.2022, 9.00-12.00) and the final event (16.5.2022, 14.00-17.00), which may be organized at Arcada if the COVID situation so allows. The course consists of lectures, workshops, individual assignments and group discussions. Examination will be based on the business plan and different assignments during the course. The course centers around providing support for students creating their individual business plan.
The course will be conducted in English, but it is possible to send in assignments in either English, Swedish or Finnish.
The lectures will as a rule be held twice a week, Mondays and Wednesdays from 8.30-10.30.